Mantra - Check the Strong


Check on
the Strong

... keep an eye on friends, colleagues, acquaintances — reach out to them, talk to them, watch for for signs of depression or sorrow, for hints that all is not right, for clues that suggest stress, illness, grief — and then ask, listen, help. As Aicha Ayana said, it's especially important to watch "... the ones who are strong, who seem like they have it all together, or the ones who are healers. No one checks on us because everyone assumes we're good. We're not. We often pour [out] our cup [for] others and leave none for ourself. We suffer in silence afraid to burden anyone. We break and can't fix our cracks. ..."

(cf. TAIL (2009-09-26), Cara Golias Graffiti Memorial (2016-04-10), ...) - ^z - 2018-06-22